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  • Is Homebirth Safe?
    YES! Women seeking homebirth need to be healthy and having an uncomplicated pregnancy. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that Midwifery Care is the "Gold Standard" of woman-centered care. Check out what the WHO says about midwifery. There are many research articles validating the safety of planned homebirth with an experienced midwife. Check out my research page HERE to read more of the current literature.
  • What does a homebirth cost?
    My fee is $4,500. My fee covers prenatal care, labor, birth, birth assistant fee, postpartum care, newborn exam, newborn care for first 6 weeks, newborn screenings, and filing of birth certificate. Not included in fee: labs and ultrasounds. I do charge a driving fee if you live more than 40 minutes from my home.
  • Will insurance cover the homebirth?
    YES! Most insurance does covers homebirth and midwifery care. The affordable care act mandates that insurance covers these services. I will verify what your coverage is before starting care so you will know how much your insurance will cover. For many families midwifery care is less than their deductible. For families who are undercovered or who have no coverage I offer a special fee if you meet income criteria. I do not take OHP currently. I offer my services for a reduced rate to families on OHP. Insurance is really meant to cover astronomical amounts that would devistate a family. For families planning a hospital birth that would cost somewhere around $30,000 - $50,000 insurance is a nessesity! Midwifery care is a set price, it wont change during care, it is very affordable over the course of 7-8 months and it is the highest quality care without the highest fee.
  • What happens to "the mess"?"
    This is ALWAYS one of the first questions I get. Contrary to common belief, but birth really isn’t that messy. There are many ways your home and all of it's surfaces from birth related “mess.” My assistant and I will clean up from the labor and birth to where you cant even tell a birth occurred in your home.
  • What is the difference between homebirth and a birth center?
    Very little. The LOCATION and the COST are the only real differences. Safety outcomes are the same between homebirth and birth centers. I worked at a birth center for years in Oregon. During that time, I had several people (who were planning a birth center birth) say to me "I could never have a homebirth because the birth center is safer." The irony is that they were planning a homebirth. It was just a "homebirth" in a different location. The same midwives, same equipment, same medications, same skill set that were at the birth center were the very same ones that would attend a homebirth. The additional cost for a birth center is something to think about. Birth centers have an additional fee for the birth center and usually a fee for the newborn as well. You can have the same care and better experience in your own home. AND you dont have to drive while in labor and you don't have to leave anywhere a few hours after you give birth.
  • What is included in midwifery care?
    Initial Consultation Contact me to schedule a free consultation so we can meet each other and discuss your goals for a homebirth. First Prenatal Visit The initial prenatal visit should occur between 10-12 weeks and will last approximately 1.5-2 hours and will typically inlcude: • A complete medical history • Basic physical exam • Lab work • Nutrition counseling • Fetal heart rate The ideal time to start midwifery care is at the beginning. However, women can always transfer into care anytime throughout pregnancy. Visits Appointments are scheduled: • MONTHLY until 28-32 weeks • EVERY OTHER WEEK until 36 weeks • WEEKLY until birth Visits will include: • Physical exams: Blood pressure, pulse, weight, fetal growth, fetal heart rate, fetal positioning • Discussions on baby's movement, your growth, nutrition, exercise, emotions, fears, social support, breastfeeding, and many other topics that pertain to the childbearing year. • Lab work (I bring the supplies with me) • Ultrasound orders (can be ordered at the hospital of your choice) Labor and Birth Once active labor is established I will arrive at your house to: • Monitor the moms vitals and baby's heart rate • Observe for complications that can arise in both mother and baby • Provide physical and emotional support. Waterbirth option: Aqua-therapy is a great option for pain relief during labor and birth. Benefits of water birth include: • An opportunity for deeper relaxation, mentally and physically. Many women are able to let go of tense muscles and intense thoughts when submerged in the warm water. Some women even sleep in between contractions when in the tub. • The water provides buoyancy, allowing the mom to feel lighter and making movement easier. Women can be on hands and knees, kneeling, lunging, squatting or laying back in the tub. • Relaxation can improve circulation and increase oxygenation to the baby. • Increased support and circulation to the perineal tissues which decreases likelihood of tearing. Access to a birth tub and birth stool at no additional fee. Postpartum Care After birth, I will typically stay 3-4 hours to make sure mom and baby are both stable. During that time I: • Monitor vitals on mother and newborn • Complete a newborn exam and administer vitamin K and eye prophylaxis (if chosen) • Help with breastfeeding • Clean up from the birth I will return at 24-36 hours to check up on mother and baby and do two different newborn screening. The rest of the postpartum visits are scheduled at: • 3-4 days • 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks
  • Is it better to have your first baby at the hospital and the next one at home?
    I honestly don’t think so. First time mothers typically have longer labors and need more support and time. Which is something that midwifery care and homebirth is all about - giving the mother time, space and support to labor and birth. One nice thing about first time mothers is that they have no prior experience. They usually don’t have expectations and they don’t have a bad experience to heal from. I really think that it is more important to set the precedent for that mother to know she deserves patience, safety, love, calmness, respect and dignity. So that if in the future she has a medical reason to birth at the hospital she knows how she should be treated and wont allow anything less.
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